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Supports stronger
muscles & bones -
taste -
Helps build
High Protein
& Fiber -
Controls blood
sugar level
Gives you
strength -
Maintains weight
Boost your
immunity -
Healthy birth
28 Vital
nutrients -
Helps in brain
development of
& immunity
muscles & bones -
taste -
Did you know ?
Our body can't store protein, that's why it should be consumed daily.
Protein makes up about 50% of muscles and bones in our body1#.
Protein need increases by more than 40% during pregnancy2.
Only 14.8% people with Diabetes consume adequate protein3.
Personalized Diet
Plan from Certified Nutritionists
Serving Nutrition for more than 65 years
Protinex is considered to be the reason behind millions of healthy smiles, Protinex is one of the India’s most prescribed nutritional supplements, It provides complete nutrition and strength; Protinex is enriched with the right amount of carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and has zero trans fat.
As a food company, we are always innovating to address the major food and health challenges.
#ProtinexStoryWhat are people saying?
Neha Mathur
Getting a dog at home was a big decision for me. It has been a year now and my fondness for Oreo keeps increasing by the day. It is such a pleasure when he roams around me and play with me. Do you feel the same when your dog awaits your return from work, but you cannot give them enough time and affection? I started feeling guilty and then switched to Protinex. It’s been quite some time now and I can say that I feel a change already.
Uma Raghuraman
Hands in the dirt, head in the sun & heart with nature! The glory of gardening grounds us, gets us out of our busy heads and stressed lives for a moment. That's how @masterchefmom makes sure to spend time with her husband.
Tell us what’s your ritual with your partner that you #DontMissOut on?
Ritcha Verma
Aryaa is a super active child and demands that I be involved in most of her activities be it playtime or study time or activity time. I would never want to miss out on any of these because every moment spent with her is super special and something that I will cherish for years to come. However, my schedule involves Aryaa, husband, home, and work, which can quite tire me out, but thanks to @ProtinexIndia, I can enjoy all the moments I want with Aryaa as it keeps my health in check. #DontMissOut
Juhi Bansal
Iy and I love our quality time together whether it's traveling, playing board games or arm wrestling! Sometimes I let her win because I am extremely fatigued and I want the game to be over soon. However, I've come to realize the importance of protein in my overall diet. I am very mindful of what I eat on an everyday basis yet I realize our food falls short of required nutrients. One spoonful of Protinex makes sure we #DontMissOut on these fun moments with the little ones.
Saru Mukherjee Sharma
Lately Rudi is growing an obsession with outdoor sports like Cricket & Football and almost all the time he wants us to be a part of it. Since Sumit works the night shift and wakes up in the evening, we always urge him to play a game with us..These sweet lil’ moments is what you shouldn't miss out on by not participating as much due to poor muscle health which results in tiredness and fatigue. Daily protein intake is very important for adults.Time won't wait for us...
Swathi Rishi
Nothing sounds better than a good workout with life partner. Read how @swathirishi and her husband work together towards their fitness goals with the help of Protinex!
Share with us your #DontMissOut moments with your partner
Following a healthy regime is favourable for our overall physical and mental development. Due to lack of energy, fatigue and tiredness, we often overlook and avoid the healthy path which leads to missing out on important moments of life. #DontMissOut on a fitter lifestyle and switch to Protinex to see the best in you.
Playing multiple roles as a fashion icon, an entrepreneur and a mother of 2 wonderful kids is a hectic job. @simone.khambatta chooses Protinex Tasty Chocolate to build immunity for her health transformation. She regularly measures her nutrient intake with the Immuno-Nutrient Calculator & includes a glass of Protinex Tasty Chocolate which has high-protein & is clinically proven to provide 34% higher **Immuno-Boosters & other vital nutrients, to meet her health goals.
Being a mom & a wife, and to be able to manage all these roles to the fullest, @shivanya_mom realized she needs to stay fit and have a nutritious diet.Add Protinex to your diet & also check if your diet has immunity-boosting nutrients using Protinex’s *Immuno-Nutrient Calculator & get a free 30-day diet plan by a nutritionist.
*As per prescription audit conducted by CMARC MAT April 2022
#Heaney etal. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 May: 87(5): 1567S-1570S. (50%)
1. Introduction to Nutrition (DIKER), LibreTexts https://med.libretexts.org/@go/page/2113 (protein)
2. Recommended dietary allowances, ICMR 2020 (Pregnancy)
3. Based on an Indian study in people with Diabetes Padmanabh and Marathe ( 2021),IJARIIT, 7(6)